Keysight – Hardware and Software for Efficient Quantum Control

Quantum technologies have enjoyed a dramatic increase in investment and performance over the last decade. Qubit control represents the interface between quantum and classical information, and is at the core of all of these technologies. In this talk, we will discuss several challenges that researchers face today in implementing qubit control in system synchronization, phase coherency, and communication speeds. We will then demonstrate how each of these challenges can be overcome with a smart quantum control system using FPGA-based tools and dedicated quantum control software.

Speaker profile:Clayton Crocker is a software planner and product owner for the Quantum Engineering Solutions (QES) group at Keysight technologies. Prior to his role at Keysight, he received his doctorate for work on trapped ion quantum computing and ion-photon networks in Chris Monroe’s group at the University of Maryland.

Company profile:Keysight Technologies is the premier electronic test and measurement company focused on high growth, global markets in the communications, electronics, and test software industries. If you use cell phones, tablets, PC’s, cloud networks, or drive a modern automobile for example, then chances are Keysight test equipment have been critical to proving out those designs and testing them in their manufacturing process. The Quantum Engineering Solutions group at Keysight is dedicated to helping quantum researchers accelerate their design, control, and test cycles. For more information please visit

Company website:

LinkdIn: keysight-technologies/

The event is finished.


Feb 10 2021


GMT+1 (Paris)
10:00 pm - 10:30 pm