Q-CTRL – Building infrastructure software for quantum computing

Quantum computers are maturing to the level where a new discipline of quantum computer engineering is emerging – seeking solutions to the practical challenges of building the first useful quantum computers. Chief among these is hardware error and instability arising from environmental perturbation and imperfect devices. Quantum control has a long history of deployment by physics research teams aiming to improve their experiments, and has recently emerged as a focused research discipline in its own right. In this talk we describe Q-CTRL’s efforts building infrastructure software for quantum control to deliver enhanced performance of quantum computing hardware. We introduce key enabling capabilities in robust control and explore how quantum control is best integrated into quantum-computing hardware, bridging the divide between the mathematical abstractions of quantum algorithms and the practical physical manipulation of imperfect hardware. We present a series of experiments using analog-layer programming access for IBMQ hardware to demonstrate >10X enhancements across various device metrics using model-based error-robust quantum logic. In addition we highlight new capabilities in which machine learning agents autonomously design optimized single and multiqubit quantum logic gates outperforming IBM’s default operations.

Speaker profile: Michael J. Biercuk is the CEO and Founder of Q-CTRL, a quantum technology company, and a Professor of Quantum Physics and Quantum Technology at the University of Sydney. In his academic position he leads a research team as a Chief Investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems, exploring the role of control engineering in quantum-coherent systems. Michael earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and his Masters and PhD from Harvard University. He held a research fellowship in the Ion Storage Group at NIST Boulder, and has served as a full-time technical consultant to DARPA, helping to steer government investments in quantum information and advanced computer architectures. Michael is a SXSW and TEDx speaking alumnus and a multi-time Australian Museum Eureka Prize nominee and winner.

Company profile: Q-CTRL deploys world-leading expertise in quantum control engineering as infrastructure software to make quantum technologies useful. From quantum computing to quantum sensing in defense, we help you solve the biggest challenges in quantum technology: instability, noise, and hardware error.

Founded by Professor Michael J. Biercuk in 2017, Q-CTRL has assembled the world’s foremost team of expert quantum-control engineers, providing solutions to many of the most advanced quantum computing teams globally. Q-CTRL is an inaugural member of the IBM Q startup network and provides commercial products and services to clients including NIST, Fermilab, Northwestern University, Rigetti Computing, Advanced Navigation, and many more.

Company website: https://q-ctrl.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/q-ctrl/

The event is finished.


Feb 09 2021


GMT+1 (Paris)
10:00 pm - 10:30 pm