Pasqal – Thousands of Qubits Shaped by Light
PASQAL develops and markets Quantum Processing Units (QPUs) that have the potential to address complex computing issues, from fundamental science to real-world grand challenges. The QPUs are build based on a neutral atom technology. Atoms are added one-by-one. Therefore, the system provides a high flexibility level allowing to investigate different geometries, paving the way towards a Universal Quantum Processor. In addition, the technology is seen as the most scalable one, with 200-qubit QPUs are achievable as of today and we have a clear blueprint for reaching a 1000-qubit processor by 2023.
During the presentation I will give a general overview of the technology and discuss potential applications that can be implemented, with examples ranging from analogue simulation for scientific discovery, up to solving constrained optimization problems.
To give a concrete example, I will present a real-life case in the field of the smart charging that we jointly developed with EDF.
Speaker profile: Chayma BOUAZZA is Business Developer at PASQAL. She received her doctorate from University PSL – ENS Ulm for her work on ultracold Dysprosium gases in Jean DALIBARD’s group. After her PhD, she joined Erdyn, a consulting company specialized in innovation, where she worked on a wide range of topics. She joined PASQAL in November 2020.
Company profile: We build Programmable Quantum Simulators and Quantum Computers made of 2D and 3D Atomic Arrays. Neutral atoms trapped in optical tweezers and addressed with laser beams are ideal indistinguishable quantum systems to realize superposition and entanglement, at the heart of powerful Quantum Information Processing. It is a highly scalable platform, benefiting from tens of years of development which has brought some of contemporary physics’ most spectacular achievements: Bose-Einstein condensation, cavity quantum electrodynamics, etc… We develop the lasers, the vacuum technology, the electronic controls and the software stack to make the individual atoms accessible to quantum programmers worldwide.
Company website: https://pasqal.io/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pasqal/